
Since 1986, Mountain Kids Preschool in Fort Collins has offered a positive and nurturing preschool experience for children ages three to five years old. Our caring staff maintains a knowledgeable, loving, and creative environment. In addition to the wide range of learning areas, Mountain Kids Preschool offers our preschoolers the benefit of a weekly gymnastics class and a regular music class as part of their preschool curriculum.

Additional activities included in our preschool curriculum includes musical performances, holiday parties, field trips, show and share, and special guests. Check out what we teach during class time as well as a daily class schedule. If you’re interested in checking out our preschool, we invite you to visit!

Mountain Kids Preschool Teaches Your Child To Grow Socially & Love Learning!

Learning to work with others is a critical part of every child’s preschool experience. Throughout every preschool day, our children are practicing skills such as sharing, communicating, establishing boundaries, learning appropriate assertiveness, and problem-solving. Daily free play intertwined with adult supervision and role-modeling, give the children lots of opportunities to learn and grow.


Areas Of Learning

At Mountain Preschool, we focus on a variety of skills to give your little one a head start on academics, as well as making friends. Areas of learning that we focus on include:

  • Small Motor Skills
  • Respecting & Having Fun With Our Friends
  • Reading, Story Time, and Learning Letters and Their Sounds
  • Art & Hands–On Discovery
  • Music & Dramatic Play
  • Gymnastics & Large Muscle Development
  • Science & Building Numbers & Math Concepts


Two Half Days 3 year-olds

Tues. & Thurs.

8:3011:30 a.m. or 12:303:30 p.m.

This is a very awakening time for children and we’re here to ensure that love and warmth are a part of their daily experience. Stories, introduction to numbers, letters and colors, and lots of questions and answering are part of this program. Our one-hour Rainbow Riders gymnastics class is included  once per week as a part of the curriculum.

$316/4 week session

Requirements: Children must be three by Sept. 30th and potty-trained.

*Full day options are not currently available for the 2 day/week preschool group. 

Three Half Days 4 year-olds

Mon., Wed. & Fri.

8:3011:30 a.m. or 12:303:30 p.m.

Our focus for this preschool program is preparation for kindergarten, which includes developing social skills; learning the names of letters and sounds, numbers, colors, shapes; and practicing fine motor skills. Themes are used to coordinate this program and teach concepts such as good health, dinosaurs, plants, etc. Our one-hour Rainbow Riders gymnastics class is included once per week in the curriculum.

$421/4 week session

*Contact our main office at 970-482-3118 for information on full day pre-k options for the Mon. Wed. Fri. preschool group.

Requirements: Children must be four by Sept. 30th.

Five Half Days 4–5 year-olds


12:303:30 p.m.

Our accelerated preschool program is appropriate for the child who needs more challenging activities. We will teach letter sounds, beginning phonetic reading, numbers up to 20, and beginning addition and subtraction. Themes are used to coordinate this program to teach science, social studies, and basic living concepts. We include our one-hour Rainbow Riders gymnastics class as part of the curriculum.

$578/4 week session

Requirements: Children must be four by Sept. 30th, know their alphabet, and be able to count to 10.

*Contact our main office at 970-482-3118 for information on full day pre-k options for the Mon. - Fri. preschool group.


Daily Preschool Schedule

8:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. — Arrival & Free Play
Allowing the children to play throughout the room allows us to have fun, attention-diverting activities for easier separation from parents.

8:50 a.m. or 12:50 p.m. — Group Time
This time is spent sitting on the floor in a large group. We are doing the bulk of our direct teaching at this time with stories, calendar activities, songs, finger plays, and directions for the table activities.

9:10 a.m. or 1:10 p.m. — Table Activities
This time allows the children to make choices about what they’d like to do and when. Three activities are set up at the tables: one for fine-motor skills, one art project, and one varying activity. When the children are finished with the table activities, they may return to play in any area of the room that includes large blocks, dramatic play, books, and art areas.

10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. — Snack
Snacks and drinks are provided by parents and are brought on a daily basis. Parents will sign up for the day they will bring snacks. All snacks must be store-bought to meet state health regulations. The children learn social skills and manners during this time, as well as sanitary practices.

10:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. — Large Motor Skills
The last hour of preschool varies from day to day. One day each week will be a one-hour gymnastics class*, a 30-minute music class, or other activities, including show and share and recess.

11:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. — Pick-Up Time
Children gather their belongings and go home for the day. Optional Dance classes are available as an extra activity after morning preschool or before afternoon preschool.

*While children are in gymnastics class, they are under the physical and legal supervision of Mountain Kids gymnastics regulations and not the preschool license or regulations.


Petite Imagination Ballet $83/4 weeks includes 10 percent discount

Mini Imagination Ballet $83/4 weeks includes 10 percent discount

Ninja Zone $135/4 week session

Enrollment in Mountain Preschool requires a non-refundable $35 registration fee and a non-refundable $50 deposit towards the tuition of your child’s first session, along with a completed registration packet.

For more questions about our preschool, check out our FAQ page.

Mountain Kids Preschool in Fort Collins was founded in 1986 and is licensed by the State of Colorado.